Badass Insights

Green Bay Packers

Content is a Participation Sport πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸˆ

October 04, 2024β€’3 min read

Content is a Participation Sport

Of course, my example is going to be the Packers

When your QB#1 goes down, all faith belongs to QB#2. Somedays that works (Titans) and some days that doesn't (Viqueens).

I have been making some serious observations about how content works on LinkedIn in the past 3 - 6 months. The algorithms, of course are shifting again.

In the age of AI, that is a constant.

The algorithms, they give, and they take away.

What can you do to ensure your content is seen by the largest, most accurate audience possible?

I am managing content and taking stats for a number of people and I'm seeing some interesting things.

1. If you are actively networking and consistently adding to your network, your content is going to get a lot more exposure.


Every time you add a new contact, for the first 2 weeks, they receive a notification every time you post something. It's the perfect way to get to know someone new. You get to find out more about their business and what they think is important.

Most of the time, they will also like or comment. It's at the very least an impression.

Every impression, like, comment or repost drives the visibility of your content to new audiences. Big win.

2. If you are consistently commenting on the content of others, your content is more widely circulated.

The algorithms are based to a certain extent on "Giver's Gain." If you do nothing but post, expect your content to sit dead in the water.

Like, comment, share the content of others. Make those comments RELEVANT. That's the only way they really count.

3. Participate in your own content. Comment back. There is nothing worse that you can do than ignore when people comment on your content. How rude!

Join the conversation, if you have turn the conversation, ask why some one thinks what they do, offer suggestions and resources. Participate.

4. Be sure your profile is well-optimized for your Ideal Audience and your entry-level offering. Business Objectives always need to be tied to your LinkedIn Strategy.

The algorithms read your profile first to decide who they are serving your content to. If you have the wrong keywords all over your profile, it's a crap shoot. It's random.

When I look at my backend analytics, my audience is so accurate -decision-makers in the Legal and Financial fields. I'm hitting my target. 🎯

Sharing content is the long game. Consistency is the very key that unlocks success.

Even if you only share once a week, be consistent in #1 - 3 above. #4 is more of a 'set-it-and-forget-it' strategy.

And I have seen people have great success with a once-a-week strategy. If anything, people are sharing too much, and it cannibalizes your success.

If you are sharing content, make the very most of your effort. Get it in front of the right people, consistently.

Until next time... 


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If you need help with #4 -

I am offering an Optimization Package for $500.

We meet for a half hour on Zoom and talk strategy and target audience.

I do all the research and generate trending keywords, add "density," and all the other Search features.

Once you approve of the exact words, I add them to your profile. Easy.

Email me if you are interested, and I will send you a scheduling link!

Search is so strong right now on LinkedIn. SEO is rapidly evolving. That won't last forever, but it is feeding Search right now.

Search starts with LinkedInℒ️

Content StraqtegyVisibilityLinkedInBusiness DevelopmentRelationship Building
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Angela Dunz

Angela calls herself The β€œAccidental Entrepreneur,” having moved to the San Francisco Bay Area with her shiny new MBA and dreams of being a CMO. Instead, she started her own business. Would you like to be a Thought Leader on LinkedIn? Angela is the #LinkedInBadass sharing her expertise in Business Development, Professional Branding, Visibility & Optimization on LinkedIn. Without a website, she built her entire vibrant business using free LinkedIn! She is a former Rock Climbing Guide and lives in Marin where the hiking and the weather are fabulous. Being from Wisconsin, she is a diehard Packer Fan πŸ’šπŸ’›and shareholder.

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