Badass Insights

Social Media Strategy

Posting Every Day Is Not a Social Media Strategy

June 28, 20243 min read


There are SO many people sharing content "just to get something out there."

And, here's the reality - it's probably doing them more harm than good.

Adding to the cacophony in the newsfeed damages your reputation. You're "just like everyone else."

Professionals hire people to do this for them, and they mean well. But they are wasting their money.

I used to have a banner on LinkedIn that said -

Mindset Strategy Action

Posting every day without a plan is the Action. Two steps were missed.

What Makes a Social Media Strategy Great?

#1. Keep your client in mind.

Front and center. How long has it been since you did any Market Research to find out what they need? We have experienced some serious drift. Everything has changed.

Where are your Ideal Clients? If you only get tire kickers that waste your time from FB? Just why? You want high quality clients? Go to the platforms where they hang out. Not the ones that suit you.

Just because Joe your competitor is doing something, should you? Discover what works uniquely for you. Do you.

What do they need? Too many people focus on features and not on results. We are not parting with our money readily these days. Tell stories about results.

#2. Strategy tied to Business Goals

What is your client journey? What are all the touch points you have with potential clients? Is the journey incremental? Or, are you asking and expecting them to take a gigantic leap of faith?

Sales and Marketing are 100% behavior based. Trust and Credibility come first. Then you have earned the right to make a small ask. An invitation to come closer into your world.

What is the next step you want them to take?

Posting without the next step in mind is ludacris. What is a tiny call to action?

People HATE being sold to on LinkedIn. How do your people come to you? Through your website, a calendar link, ...? Drive traffic to where prospects are more likely to make a move. Incrementally.

Have you ever mapped out your clients' journey? Where are you leading them? Have a plan.

#3. Mindset

Adopt a value add, client-focused mindset.

If your mindset is, "I have to make a sale," Good Luck.

We want to work with givers, not takers. We are often so passionate about what we do, we can't see it from a confused and frustrated clients point of view.

Put yourself in your clients head.

How can we make their life easier? Instill confidence? Really give them the vision of what is possible for them.

Results, not process, not features.

It is not about you.

#4. Now you can start thinking about content

Meet your Ideal clients on the platforms they spend time on.

Share consistently. Social Media rewards consistency.

You can only post once a week? Great! Make it count. I have a significant # of clients that post only once a week and are very successful with it.

If you need ideas for content - click here.

Share a huge variety in the beginning and find out what your audience finds valuable. I would give it 3 months in the initial stages. Evaluate everything.

What do you want them to do?

I have a couple of goals. Connect with me on LinkedIn. Sign up for my newsletter. And, schedule a Coffee Chat. That drives business really well for me.

Take the time to figure out what works for you.

Content is the L O N G game. Get it right and your pipeline will be steady. Not feast and famine.

Without relationship - there is NO opportunity.

Build Relationship. Vanity metrics are just that. Vanity. Not conversion.

LinkedIn estimates that 1% of its membership is really getting it right.

Are you a part of the 1%?

Or you contributing to the cacophony?

until next time...


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Social Media StrategyLinkedInContent StrategyBusiness GoalsBusiness Development
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Angela Dunz

Angela calls herself The “Accidental Entrepreneur,” having moved to the San Francisco Bay Area with her shiny new MBA and dreams of being a CMO. Instead, she started her own business. Would you like to be a Thought Leader on LinkedIn? Angela is the #LinkedInBadass sharing her expertise in Business Development, Professional Branding, Visibility & Optimization on LinkedIn. Without a website, she built her entire vibrant business using free LinkedIn! She is a former Rock Climbing Guide and lives in Marin where the hiking and the weather are fabulous. Being from Wisconsin, she is a diehard Packer Fan 💚💛and shareholder.

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